Thursday, November 14, 2013

Here's the colored line-up of those Street Fighter "redesigns".

One of the steps for a past assignment. We had to "redesign" Street Fighter characters. We took the the fighting style and body type of existing characters and the rest was up to us.
Putting up the colored line up in a sec.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Some grayscale costume studies for my character design class.

Self Doubt

 Eye and head shape studies

Sleepy self portrait

Some sketchbook drawings worth sharing.
Second attempt in this program cus last time I scared myself trying to make a human face. Spooky stuff.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The model brought her baby with her and he fussed a bit so she kept him company while posing.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Going to try and get into the habit of posting here more often I guess;;; Since the new pokemon game came out, I raised a few cuties and decided to draw some of them as humans.
So here's my serious (and sassy) Sylveon named Soni. When he learned the move Draining Kiss, I couldn't help but turn him into a vampire.

Friday, October 4, 2013

had some free time so i doodled and this happened. using the cintiqs at school is so nice ;__;